Department of Mathematics

Thank you for considering a gift to the Department of Mathematics at Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

The Department of Mathematics offers majors in both Mathematics and Mathematics Education.  The Mathematics Education program prepares students for teaching careers in 6th-12th grade mathematics.  Graduates of this program have taught in all of the 50 states.  Our students are in very high demand and are very needed.  The Mathematics program prepares students for careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields in industry and for graduate school in STEM fields.  Graduates of the Mathematics program have become university professors and mathematicians at Texas Instruments, Raytheon, Microsoft, General Dynamics, Hewlett-Packard, Sandia Labs, and many actuarial, statistical, pharmaceutical, computer, and military industries.

Our mathematics students also use the new Southeastern supercomputer to make and test their mathematical discoveries.

$1,000 match from President and Mrs. Thomas Newsom
Thank you for your contributions. The $1,000 match has been met!
$1,000 MATCHED
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