Montgomery Auditorium Renovation

Montgomery Auditorium has been a gathering place inside Morrison Hall since the completion of construction in the early 1900's. Plays, lectures, concerts, and many more historic events have made Montgomery Auditorium a very special place among alumni and friends of Southeastern.  

A makeover is long overdue for Montgomery. The space requires numerous repairs and upgrades. Several generous gifts to the project have been secured. A matching gift from Cherokee Communications will match the first $20,000 contributed to the renovation project on Giving Day.

 Thank you for considering a contribution to bring new life back to Montgomery Auditorium. Your gift will have an immediate and lasting impact on Southeastern Oklahoma State University. 

$1,000 match from President and Mrs. Thomas Newsom
Thank you for your contributions. The $1,000 match has been met!
$1,000 MATCHED
$20,000 Montgomery Auditorium Gift Challenge
The $20,000 challenge has been met, but please continue to support the Montgomery Auditorium Renovation Project.
30 / 30 Donors
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